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Climate adaptation and mitigation strategies from agricultural perspectives

Opis wydarzenia:

Organizator: Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Obszar: zmiany klimatyczne (redukcja CO2)

The lecture would focus on the causes of climate change, its impacts on food security and nutrition, as well as adaptation and mitigation strategies in the context of crop production. Then, participants will take sample finger millet seedlings of aluminium tolerant and sensitive varieties from stressed and control chambers separately, measure root length by ruler, and compute the tolerance index as the ratio of root length in stress to root length in control solution. From this experiment, the participants will learn the extent to which aluminium inhibits root elongation and the need to develop aluminium tolerant varieties. Participants will also examine the difference between aluminium tolerant and sensitive seedlings under the microscope by using the hematoxylin staining technique. Thus, this activity will emphasize the critical importance of the NCN’s and EU’s investment in the “finger millet abiotic stress tolerance” project.

Ważne informacje:

Adres: Ul. Gronostajowa 7, Krakówu

Lokalizacja: wydział biochemii, biofizyki i biotechnologii, P.0.1.1