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Parkinson’s Disease Modelling in research studies

Opis wydarzenia:

Organizator: Instytut Farmakologii im. J. Maja PAN

Obszar: ochrona zdrowia

Wykład w języku angielskim.

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder, second only to Alzheimer’s. Recent research shows PD’s impact extends beyond motor symptoms, with non-motor symptoms often preceding classic tremors by years. The genesis of PD’s pathology is the misfolding and accumulation of α-synuclein protein. This process primarily affects dopaminergic neurons, but evidence suggests α-synuclein pathology is more widespread, occurring in various brain regions and peripheral tissues. This broader impact explains diverse pre-motor symptoms like olfactory dysfunction, sleep disorders, and depression. Advancements in diagnostic techniques are enabling earlier PD detection by identifying α-synuclein aggregates before clinical symptoms appear. Additionally, research models using α-synuclein fibrils provide valuable tools for studying PD mechanisms. There is great hope that early detection, combined with insights from new models, will result in successful therapies in the near future.

Wykładowca: Mgr Anna Alwani, Zakład Biochemii Mózgu Instytutu Farmakologii im. Jerzego Maja PAN

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Adres: ul. Smętna 12, 31-343 Kraków

Lokalizacja: online